Advice? (how to help friends with their Panic Attacks)

Hey Everyone!


I have a couple friends who deal with anxiety, but rarely do they have Panic Attacks around me. It was only just recently that one of my best friends during class had an Attack (she held it in really well for a while, but suddenly I saw her tearing up, and I asked her what was wrong/if there's anything I can do, but all she was doing was streaming tears, shaking her head at me, and trembling in her seat).


I felt so so helpless, and I wanted to ask openly for advice on what I can do to help her in the future, in case it happens again while I'm around, because I would give anything to help her over the hump, and don't wanna make it worse.;;;;; Any advice?


Please let me know, and I appriciate all the support, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! <333


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Hey, I'm going to give you some advice to the best of my ability. (Because I have panic attacks as well)
First of all, the best thing you can do as a first step is to talk to her about them and see why she has anxiety attacks, what causes them? Then go from there. One thing that I know that helps me is being hugged or having some sort of pressure on my body, and being hummed/sung/talked to, BUT this is not the case for everyone. Sometimes hugging contact makes people even more anxious. My biggest piece of advice is to talk to your friends about their troubles because that can be a huge factor to anxiety attacks. Sometimes holding in a lot of stress can cause very strong, and overwhelming panic attacks. Just talk to your friends! It won't be easy to overcome, but just let them know that you are there for them! Hope this helps!
Best wishes
Ask her.
I really don't mean to sound mean, but anxiety attacks comes in all sorts of shapes and she's the one that knows how hers work and what other people can do to relieve them. So before you do anything general, ask her. Tell her that you felt powerless and really want to help her when she's struggling.
I don't even know if I have any general advice to be honest.
I wish you the best and hope your friends overcome their anxiety to a reasonable level. <3
First you should learn things that would cause them to have this reaction, that way, you could easily comfort them. Always make them feel worth something if you get what I mean? Let them know it will be okay, and they are not alone. You are right there

Rub their back, and make them follow your breathes. breathe in, and breathe out.

Always show them that and guide them because when a person focus on their breathing, they won't focus on what is causing their panic attack. helping them breathe is the most important thing you can do when they are going through this attack. Then when they have a steady breath, you just have to wait for them to settle down, and then start comforting them.