Shuffle Question Game (Stolen from yffismydrug and ELFSonal)

Yay! I know, bo one would even bother looking at this, but hey it's fun. So what! 

Also I stole it, from my two fav authors, so I wanna be 😎 like them. Hahahaha *joke*

Also, since I'm a hardcore elf, this will most likely be full of SJ songs HAHAHAHA

1) How am I feeling today?

Super Junior - Hero

Well, aside from playing overwatch, I really did nothing that relates to a hero today. Hahaha

2) Will I get far in life?

Evanesce - Super Junior

That was depressing. Hahaha but I love this song so much!

3) How do my friends see me?

Canon Rock - Jerry C

So, my friends see me as a rocker? Am I even doing this right?

4) Where will I get Married?

BONAMANA - Super Junior

Oh goodness. Does this mean, Korea?!

5) What is my best friend's theme song?

Missin U - Super Junior

Aww, an appropriate song. I just graduated and I haven't got the chance to see my best friends in a while T_T

6) What is the story of my life? 

Scary House - Super Junior D&E

HAHAHAHAHA. I got a good laugh with this one. 

7) What is/was highschool like?

Tuxedo- Super Junior

High School was fun! Although we didn't party, actually we never partied but we had fun nonetheless. I miss high school. 😢

8) How can I get ahead in life?

Wedding dress - Taeyang

I really don't know how a wedding dress or a man who waited too long to propose will get me ahead in life. Hahaha

9) What is the best thing about me?

Mid- season - Super Junior

Well, according to the lyrics, this is about getting sick not living the life you wanted? And being left ny someone. So, I guess... That's the best thing?

10) How is today going to be?

W I N E - Super Junior D&E

It's 10pm now, and I doubt I'll get some wine anywhere. Hahahaha

11) What is in store for this weekend?

Magic - Super Junior

YES! YASS! Please be magical!

12) What song describes my parents?

Saturday Night - Super Junior D&E

 Oh! They love it when it's saturday! They also love forbidding me to go out during saturday. -_-

13) To describe my grandparents?

Mandy Moore - Someday We'll Know

Someday we'll spend some time together again :)

14) How is my life going?

Rock'n Shine - Super Junior


15) What song will they play at my funeral? 

Hate U, Love U - Super Junior


16) How does the world see me?

Someday - Super Junior

This song is so sad, yet so beautiful. But that is far from what I am. Maybe I embody the lyrics more.

17) Will I have a happy life?

Wonderland- Super Junior

I think that's a YES!

18) What do my friends really think of me?

Dancing Out - Super Junior

They never really saw me dancing. So.... Idk hahaha

19) Do people secretly lust after me?

You're My Endless Love - Super Junior

Rather than lust, I would like it more to be someone's endless love. <3 

20) How can I make myself happy?

Silhouette - m&d

So, I shouldn't change? 

21) What should I do with my life?

Lion Heart - SNSD

Yup! I'll search for the one with a lion heart. Or better be the one with the Lion heart ;)

22) Will I ever have children?

Ours- Taylor Swift

Yeah, sure. The children will be ours. Hahahaha

23) What is some good advice for me?

Forever with You - Super Junior

I now regret having so much romantic songs with me. I still haven't met the one whom I'll be spending my forever with! T_T

24) How will I be remembered?

Bad Dracula - Red Velvet

HAHAHAHAHA. THANK YOU FOR THAT. That is one way in seeing me. A mean nocturnal being. 

25) What is my signature dancing song?

Song For You - Super Junior

I'm sure there's a dance for this one. :D

26) What do I think my current theme song is?

Midnight Blues - Super Junior

Hahahaha, yeah. :)

27) What does everyone else think my current theme song is?

Don't Leave Me - Super Junior

This is pretty... Accurate. I never wanted to be left out, (well who does?) so I think my friends this is my anthem in life.

28) What type of men/women do you like?

Islands - Super Junior

I really don' know how will I relate the song to the question. 


Ah, I had fun with this one. :) 


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Fav author? Eyyy... ♥♥♥
Some were absolutely good (esp 26ques. Midnight Blues is my favorite song!)
And some were absurd like the 8th and the 28th one lol
Your phone knows you kekeke