Looking for authors!!

Hello, Amazing Author nims! 

To: whoever is reading this

I want to help a friend by somewhat help her find a perfect author for one of her FF on YouTube, she makes beautiful like like beautiful small BTS clips, for example like this Jimin and  Jungkook and Taehyung, plz click on the link... lol

i want to help her write it but I'm just a beginner so I don't want to somewhat make mistakes! Yes, okay back to what I was talking about, she will indeed give you credit as a author your name will be in the video and your name will be out there so I suggest you not be shy. Btw I ran out of this to say.... lol

Well, just click  on the link  y Christian Chimchim and this will take you right to it, for more information you'll have to message her through her email address, since I don't have it, I'm sorry for the lack of information. I'll gather more and updates soon? Please do leave a comment down!! 

From: My little Room ^^ Hehehehe 


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Black_Cigarette #1
OHOHOHOHO even without clicking I knew it was datjimilly ^_^