More song drabbles

So I'm sad and can't sleep and apparently that means more drabbles idfk



You gotta ing breathe.

Jaebum's eyes flickered open and he stared at the ceiling as he panted.

That same dream again.

He was drenched in sweat, the memory of Jinyoung clutched in his arms.

Limp and wet.

Pale and unresponsive.

He rolled over, the tears already falling as he fumbled for his phone, dialling without thinking.

“Moshi moshi,” Jinyoung’s voice was husky and thick with sleep and normally Jaebum would find that kinda y but he was still gripped by the inexplicable fear that came with his nightmares, sometimes stretching into the morning.

“Jinyoung,” he gasped, truly crying.

~ got7, never ever


He would do it. It was his time. His turn to gain honour for his family. To be immortalised in the sung tales of his people.

His pure white robes trailed behind him, gathering up the petals that made up the silken path he walked on, barefoot.

His long hair tied back, flowers weaved into it thought they were likely not visible through the chiffon layers of his veils.

The sweet scent of the incense had his stomach twisting as it always did, knowing that one day, the long walk would be his to take.

He stood on the outcropping, his face raised to the sky, serene.

The arrow that passed through him was nothing.

This was what he was born for.

Kim Hansol walked the long walk and fell, like all before him, into the unforgiving embrace of the sea.

~ ten, dream in a dream


Something was wrong but xe didn't know what.

Xe swept xir fringe back off xir face, looking out to the horizon, across the plains.

But it was so quiet. Unnaturally so.

Far away, the sun was setting, what trees there were outlined by the soft glow of the descending orb.

As xe watched, xe felt more than heard the disturbance behind xem and then arms were wrapping tight around xir waist.

“What are you thinking, Minki?” she breathed in xir ear.

“It's too quiet.”

~ winner, really really


Yijeong ran. Harder than he ever had.

He had to find Kyungil.

His life wasn't living if he couldn't. But the maze was actively working against him; with every turn he took, the endless paths shifted into a new formation and he was well and truly lost.

He turned another corner and-

No way!

Up ahead, there he was - Kyungil - suspended in the branches in the wall, his skin had an unhealthy tinge, but Yijeong knew he was still alive. For now.

But as he ran forwards, the walls changed once again and he slammed into the thick hedge.


He had to find him. He had to.

~ history, lost


He probably shouldn't have tried to pick up broken glass with his bare hands. He realised when he saw the appalled expression on Jimin’s face.

“Hyung,” he whispered, reaching out for Namjoon’s hands but stopping short, “what did you do?”

“It broke,” he whispered, “it was so beautiful, so of course I broke it.”

And finally came the pain. The cuts on his hands were nothing compared to the ache in his chest, however.

“Anything that's worth having, I break,” he sobbed, barely reacting as the younger man threw himself at him, wrapping him in a crushing hug.

“You haven't broken me.”

~ knk, knock


This was her realm.

They knew they were intruding but it was too late to turn back - they'd come too far, lost too much to that image.

Ren’s double.

And yet how could they go on?

With every step forwards Ren’s strength lessened, his constitution failed as his counterpart thrived.

But they could not leave him nor abandon him to his task.

Minhyuk had made the decision in his heart. Ren would be the one to plunge the dagger into her chest even if Minhyuk had to hold him up and strike with his hand closed around Ren’s own.

It was all Ren wished and all he could give.

~ nu’est, overcome



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