Character Survey (ONE story)

I'm going to do this again, using my series, Ellister's Legacy. It's a trilogy, so I'm using all of them. 

Ellister's Legacy #1: The Curse

Ellister's Legacy #2: The Storms

Ellister's Legacy#3: The Darkness


Favorite Character to write: Seyong. 


LEAST Favorite Character to write: Himchan.

Happiest Character: JR 

Saddest Character: Chaejin

Most Angry Character: Chaejin


Most Selfish Character: Ellister 

Most Optimistic Character: Seyong 

Character that made me the saddest: Zelo

Favorite Pairing: Zelo × Chaejin


LEAST Favorite pairing: Seyong × Baram (Even though it was temporary).


Easiest Character to Kill: Ellister


Most Evil Character: Ellister

Most Written About Character: Chaejin 

Most Complex Character: Seyong 

Character I Really Wanted To Die: Ellister 


Character I Really Didn't Want To Die: Zelo 

Pairing I Wanted But Never Wrote In: Gunwoo × Insoo

Funniest character: Seyong

Smartest character: Seyong

Stupidest/silliest character: Jongup


Kindest character: Yongguk 

Most pessimistic character: Chaejin

Most memorable character: Zelo

Most loved character (either by other characters/readers): Seyong

Readers: You tell me! LOL (please!)


Most hated character (either by other characters/readers): 
Other Characters: Ellister

Readers: You tell me! (I have no idea!)


Most realistic character: Chaejin

Most unique/strange character: Ellister


Scene stealer(not main character but steal the limelight): Jude


Character/Pairing that deserve different ending/fate: Chaejin × Zelo

Characters from different fics that should be crosspaired into a fic: Darren from Whenever You're in Danger with Zelo. He would have been a good addition.

The character you'd love to have around in your life for real: Seyong


Easiest Character to Write: Seyong


Hardest Character To Write: Himchan


I'd be totally interested in hearing other's thoughts, be it about their own stories or about mine! Also, are there any stories that you would like to see me use to fill this out? Like, limit me to just one for all these questions?



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