

The person whom I miss the most on this night...

The person, who is away from me but still is in the lone and fright...

A person, who does not know the anwer of life and his hunting for it, so that he/she can fight...

It is to this person whom I miss the most tonight.

Hello, Hi is not enough to show my greets,

Because I know that this will happen only in fleets.

Oh Greatness! Thy power and blessing shall be showered on them...

For the dangers that he/she may face this day?

And when everything is over, I will have nothing to say.

And It is to the person whom I miss the most tonight....

That person maybe someone or no one because,

I am not writing it with a cause...

I am writing it with hope...

That he/she will read my pain...

And will find it not to be vain!

Wake up! get into to your senses....

It is time to show what you got...

I write it for two people...

Whom I miss the most this night...

Where the night seems to fall deeper and the ray of sunshine is lost....

When eyes meet and directions are broken,

I win to the fact that it may call,

The grevious fault,

 I want it to continue...

Not the tears that fall from my eyes, or the hopes of meeting you again.

I want everything to happen, 

Which seemed never to happen. 

This is to that person who belives in me....

This is to the person who trusts in me, being an elder....

This is to the person, who unkknowingly takes care of me...

This is to that person who belives-"I am one of a kind"

They differ from each other...

But one thing remain common between them.

Which makes me join them like the Bermuda

The love which is formed between us...

Doesn't cause us any fuss.....

I know it is hard to let it go....

But, it will help you to grow!

I wish that you grow...

Grow to the fullest....

And then you may know...

This is to the person, whom I miss the most....

Tonight and will forever and ever,,,,'

This love is lost, but it is still there as an incomplete post.


How is everyone doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is to you Eonni!!! FIGHTING FOR YOUR EXAMSSS!!!!

And also to someone very special to my heart...



et you guys soon with a new chapter!


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JaeBbuing #1
You punk just wait till I get home