Running Man in Malaysia

Well... I actually overspent for the ticket for the first time. Imagine using RM700+ for the VIP seats... Is it worth? I don't think so.. But who knows when will they come again. I waited since I was 16/17 years old and I missed their first fanmeet. Plus, I was really upset since my friend get two free tickets for the fanmet last time. Seeing them tag me in those photos of the fanmeet, makes me upset even more.

These time.. I overspend, but using my own money. I started working since last year, and I never spend so much till now. I paid earlier since I need to pay earlier for the reservation. And it takes me to inform after a few days since I purchase it. Once I told my family that I'm going and the ticket is quite expensive, and my mom was nagging. Nag till she could write a book. Lol!

When I heard Gary is coming this year May, I hesitate. I'm sure if I overspend it again, my mom would control my savings. I only reserve, just in case I can attend it. But when I told my parents about Gary's first concert, their answer is "I don't know..."

And Gary seldom drop by at Malaysia... I cried as I have to cancel my reservation. I don't know whether my decision is the right or wrong right now. All the money I spent, was my payment for working. None of my parents money I had touch for the fanmeet. I'm still upset with all these ! Can't understand why my parents wouldn't like me to chase Running Man a lot. And Gary is my favorite rapper.. and I love his songs alot.  They just don't get why I been chasing Running Man and even Gary. Truthfully, I had no idea why I'm doing that too. I just follow my heart. And if I chase Gary so much, I would have purchase his products, Halyang without thinking twice. 

Any of your parents that are over protective? I'm not sure why my parents are. Probably it's because I'm the middle child, and knows nothing. Sigh.... They are underestimating me so much that I hate myself over and over again.


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I think your parents just want you to save your hard earn money for your future use and for rainy days. My parents too are more or less the same . But as I grow I begin to understand their kind thoughts and intention. Its okay to spent some money but sometimes we just need to limit our spending and resists the temptation. Although you cant go maybe you can make it up by watching fam cam and all ? Dont feel bad k. I hope you feel better soon .