
I feel like I'm losing control and maybe I'll slip for real one day and won't be able to get up like I've done all this time because something in me keeps breaking repeatedly and I repeatedly fix it but I can't see what it's really like under all the bandages I've put over the scars, is it even there at all? Has it gone? Has it shattered beyond control and the only time when I'll be brave enough to unwrap the bandages to see what has happened, it will break and I can't fix it?

Why can't everyone forget me? It'll be so much easier to go ...


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Hey, what happen Injeong??
Injeongie, it's easier than done, to forget is the fear of many people and to forget, when one is desperate to do, is the hardest. Oh, love, you have survived times and times again, and I, who constantly thinks of death, have lived a seemingly pointless life. Through your youth, dearie, life seems hard and has no meaning, but there is a path ahead worth paved only you can pave it. You don't have to fix everything. Sometimes it's so much better to leave it broken and scarred because you are stronger than before. Whenever you think you don't have anything to lose if you are gone, just think of all your favourite things (fish not included, of course). Just remember, Injeongie, you will always have me. Your alien friend who lives a sunny place.
Jamless_seagull #3
Ya know, I can't really help much since I don't know what you're going through but i can say that losing yourself is a painful and confusing thing so I really hope you feel better eventually.

And right now, You would want people to forget you but when they really do, You'll just feel even worse. If it does ever happen, yeah, it's what you asked for but like it kind of hurts when u learn that no one cares about you enough so really you shouldnt wish for something like that to happen friendo :'O