I plan on writing new stories (read ;)

I have been working on the same fics for yeeeears.  I love them, don't get me wrong, but it'll be so exciting to start new stuff.  I have a few ideas. 

1)  I've always wanted to write a Hybrid AU, and it's most likely going to be XiuHan.  I'm not exactly sure what it's going to be about yet, but it's eventually going to happen. 

2)  Luhan, oh Luhan, I want to write a Twin Fic - and no not (not that I have a problem with that) - but the twins are going to Lerie (La-rie) and Luhan.  Lerie is a Hermaphrodite, Luhan is normal (and they both have powers).  Lerie has Hyperkenisis and Luhan has Telekinesis.  It's going to have a Main Female OC and will be set an awesome futuristic setting.  The FOC will be from another planet (but she and Luhan are bounty hunters on Earth).  She's technically considered an alien, but can look human if she wants, and she's super strong, which Luhan likes, but is dorkily terrified of at the same time.  Lerie and FOC will develop a relationship, and I also want to bring Xiumin in, so instead of XiuHan, I'mma say Lumin instead *wink wink - get my drift?

3)  I also have this thing about combining FOC/Luhan/Xiumin/Chen in stories.  I have a Wolf AU I want to write.  Luhan is an Alpha, and he claims Xiumin and turns him.  Xiumin doesn't appreciate it at first, but he learns about Luhan through the FOC, plus spending time around him - and it gets all gooey and romantic between all three of them... and then there's Chen.  I might make this a series. 

Actually, most of my stories end up being a series.  I love for there to always be more to come.  Ya Know? 

5)  Lerie and Luhan are Hybrid created from alien DNA - they don't look all gross, but have... subtle not human things... and are adopted by a woman who turns out to be rich (and is taken with Lerie), and I also want to once again bring in Xiumin.  Where Lerie is indifferent to ual orientation, Luhan is gay.  ;) ;)  And, this may be set in the future.  Lerie has an unknowing agressive mating nature, as apposed to his usual quiet and reserved nature.  Anyways, I'm excited at the prospect of writing it.  Oh, and Luhan are at least twenty three to twenty five.  They refused to be adopted without each other.  So they stayed in the shop that long. 

So... what'cha think about these ideas?  Your favorite one is...?  I'm excited.

~ Demitria_Teague ^^


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They sound good :)