It was on Accident...

So I literally just got back from school. I go to my room and see my brother with his twin daughters on my bed, trying to sleep. I'm like, 'OK I'll be quiet'. And I am. I put my stuff down really slow, and I start to take off my shoes. My other brother walks in and scares me, it wasn't on purpose tho. I did some sort of squeaking sound and he leaves pretty fast. Why. It's because my brother on the bed is like 'dude ing really'. I say sorry and look for a pushpin. (To open a sim card). I find one on my computer desk and I try to leave. But the cord to my headphones for stuck on my foot and they fall. He straight up just 'oh my ing God just leave already'. I stay to put my headphones on my desk and leave. But it was an accident like sorry! I told him sorry but he just told me to shut up. :\ They did wake up too but they didn't do anything. They just laid there. Like holy crap, I didn't mean to. (´△`)


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i feel so bad laughing while reading this HAHAHA but omg you sound so clumsy hAHAHAH i hope youre aight from the fall XD