A Potato in Need of Help

Hello everyone, I need some help because me being me I messed up something. I was trying to change my profile picture but it wouldn't work. If anyone can help please do. On a side note, I missed talking to a lot of you. I have been really busy with school, I hope we will be able to talk more often now


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yup i have the same problem...and i need help too :'(
Valeria_909 #2
Sup skittle Unnie :D
ChoiRinnie #3
From what i remember, profile pics and other stuff here can be tricky T^T like there are only some "sites" aff can manage to use?? I hope that helps!
kimmiekimmuackzzzzz #4
I tried to put up a poster for my story but it wouldnt work too! This blog will def. help me as well lol