B1A4 video

As some of you know, I was lucky enough to go to the B1A4 concert last night!! It was fantastic and I will make a more in-depth, longer blog later, but here is a video I uploaded a little while ago.

I'm so sorry about how awful it sounds. My phone :(

https://m.youtube.com/?reload=7&rdm=2fyuzp42q&rdm=2fvrby2k7&client=mv- google&layout=tablet#/watch?v=QZAuKIQ0mxk



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lucky you!
Bless you. This is one of my favorite songs off their new album and it sounds so great live! I felt like crying just watching this, and can only imagine how you felt actually being there. I went to BAP's concert last year in Chicago (unfortunately I can't go to their concert again this year, since I have no money and couldn't even afford to go to B1A4 when I really wanted to) and I cried more times than I can count. Thank you for this, and I hope you really did enjoy the concert and had a great time! Can't wait to hear more about it!
Nice seats! You got closer than a lot of other peeps! :D