Any B.I stories?

Can u all recommend me some good Hanbin stories?

I read some popular ones. I need more gud stories. And yes, if u r an author of an story, then pls dont feel sad if I dont  subscribe to yr story.


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Yes arcturus has some good hanbin stories. My favourite would be twelve o'clock midnight playlist
Yes arcturus has some good hanbin stories. My favourite would be twelve o'clock midnight playlist
“First snow” by snowflakes16
& “you are my drug” (don't remember the authors username) & also “spoiler”
check out arcturus's stories. She's the best.
Have you ever read "Truly, you are"? Because let me tell you, I literally cried for like three days after reading it. I read the entire thing at like 2am and then cried over it for almost a week. It's been almost two years since I've read it, and I still cry.
(just a warning though, the story is pretty heavy and can be trigger)
(this fic is a bit more lighthearted)

minerva20 (Jan 21, 2017 15:33:03) says:
Hey check The Highschool tyrant and Lover her and keep her. I personally havent read these B.I. stories but the author has talent. I read some of her other stories.