Hi everyone! I'm just bored so I decided to randomly answer questions in the net and I find Kendra Syra's questions interesting. I would really like to know how you will answer these questions as well so please comment below so I can know more about you too :D 

If you want the whole thing here is the site where I got it from; Kendra Sydra

If you want to answer it copy the questions and comment below! I'll be reading I swear! :D



1.Who inspires you? Who do you aspire to be like?

My father. And I also want to be like him. He is nice and kind, he has a heart to help other people and I know it is really his passion. It is where his heart are because even though he is hurt for helping and caring for them he still does it, and he ask nothing from them. I also want to have a heart like that, a heart that can understand other people, a passion to help them who are in need, a determination that will give me enough reason and purpose to reach out for others.


2. If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?

                As a KPOP fan I guess this trade is not questionable, haha. I want to trade with Lisa from Blackpink. For a day  I want to experience the hardship they face as an idol, how they practiced and how they manage to put up a smile even though they don’t feel well. In short, I guess I want to experience what they are experiencing to understand them more.


3. How did you meet your best friend?

                We’re classmates in high school but she told me she had known me during our elementary because some of her friends has a crush on me. There’s nothing really special about how we met but our days together are nothing but fun and awesomeness combine! Haha


4.. Do you have a sweet tooth or a savory tooth?

                Savory tooth. Totally! Some people think it as weird when I tell them that I don’t like sweets that much like normal people do specially chocolates. They will go like “are you a girl?” Girls like chocolates and no can argue about that but for me, I just don’t like it so what’s the big deal? haha


5.. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?

                Driving a motorcycle! Or a car! I know how to drive but I’m scared because I’m always thinking that I’ll get to an accident. Haha my dad told me that I’m accident prone.

6.. What accomplishments are you most proud of?

                When I took home 7 silver and 1 gold medal from our swimming tournament. :D



7. What is your favorite physical attribute about yourself?

                My eyes? Haha a lot of people complements my eyes so I learned to love them thinking that if they always notice it then maybe it is really pretty haha. *_*



8. What is one of the weirdest things you used to do as a teenager?

                This is bit disgusting and really weird haha but, whenever I go to the bathroom to pee or to answer Mother Nature’s call—I always slap myself. Haha I slap myself really hard and if I feel the pain that means I’m really inside the bathroom therefore I’m not hallucinating haha. Weird right? I know XD


9. What drives you to do what you do? What motivates you?

                Love. Passion. Determination and hunger for change and restoration.


10. What did you love most about the place you grew up? What about it did you love the least?

                It’s closeness to nature. Whenever I look around I can always see trees and birds flying around. I love how peacefully silent it is during the night and how the stars come out so brightly when the sun comes down. I love the privacy it gives me but the closeness of the people in our community as well.

Maybe the least that I love in this place is the heat XD. There are times that I don’t want to go outside because the sun is burning my skin but other than that I love this place.


11. What trajectory are you hoping to push yourself onto? Where do you want to head?

                The path to where I can help people. The path to illumination and eternal life.


12. What is your most bizarre talent?

                Flipping my tongue :P

13. Who was someone you really looked up to when you were little — someone you considered to be a mentor?

                None other than my father!! Haha. I always look up to him. He always take a good care of me and he doesn’t forget to feed my thoughts with good things and he doesn’t fail to remind me that “there are good people in this world and there is bad, but don’t forget there are still good people.”

14. What’s your favorite cheesy pick-up line? Have you ever used it for real?

                I don’t know haha I’m not really good with cheesy or sugar coated words. I think I have used one when I was flirting haha XD

15. Who is a character from a TV show or a book that you’ve always resonated with?

                They are a character from anime---I don’t know if that counts haha. Princess Nike from  “Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii” and Bishamon from “Noragami” They have a certain trait that I also have and I understand them just like how I understand myself.



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yeishanie14 #1
You are so inspiring //cries