X Kris?

I just wondering if there's any uke-kris's fics. Im not exo or kris's fan, so im not very familiar with them. I just wondering about it while making posters (Most of them kris as seme).


If anyone know or write any fic that had kris as uke, let me know. I want to read it and see if i like it. If possible, the pair is not tao. Well, if its a very good fic, then its ok. I'll just read it.


Usually give comment every chapter i read. So, if the author like spam-comment from reader, let me know. I shall spam your fic (unless i dont read them yet). No bashing, dont worry.


So, let me know if you know any good fic. One-shot, drabble, or long fics would do. As long as its kris as uke, bring it on. I'll try them all.


P.s: sorry if too many typo and too small. At work and typing using phone. Cant wait till got home because i might forgot about it later. So  let me know.


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I don't know of any, since I didn't see Kris as bottom, either...I don't read Kris stories anymore, but will see if I know anyone who knows of any!