Happy Jongin Day~

To one of the most special people in my life: Right, I have not met you, and I probably never will, but that doesn't change the fact that there isn't a day that goes by wihout me thinking about how much I love you.

To the most precious little bean out there, Happy 24th Birthday, Kim Jongin!!!


And to all of you who are reading this now, and reading my stories, I apologize I haven't been able to update anything for this 'occasion' (especially Brightest Star, I wanted to but it was impossible for me to do so)

And if you happen to be a fellow Jongin stan, let's have a great day today and a happy year filled with the fluffball that Nini is ^^

Yes. Yes, those are pretzels. Yes, I'm a mature adult. And yes, I'm a mature fan. 


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