Bad news for me

I’m not sure how I should start my blog.

You see, back in 2012, I had this knock at the tip of my spine because I accidentally hit the sharp edge of a table. I was rushed to the hospital by my colleagues. I got pain relief injection before they took me for X-ray scan. They discharged me after four hours waiting for my BP to be normal (I was way too low at first). But they didn’t mention a thing about my injury other than subscribing strips of painkiller to me. When I asked them about it, they said it is just a normal swelling, that’s all.

So, now when I started doing sit-up again after so many years (I normally do Zumba and jogging) as I’m getting chubbier and chubbier than before (rounder and rounder like a ball), I thought doing sit-up is the best way to get back into shape. But I didn’t know that I’ll ever experience that kind of pain when I’m working out. The moment I did it, the pain was unbearable.

I may hate doctors or clinics or hospitals, but I have no choice. And to my horror, the doctor told me that it was because I didn’t get my injury treated back then, that’s why now I’m having this discomfort. I was like, WHAT THE *! Hey, why no one tell me about how serious the knock was and the effect of not treating it? Why only now I know when it’s already too late to be cured.

Well, I get no answer for all my WHYs. All I know is that I’m warned not to ever do sit-up again in order to prevent myself for getting something more serious than this. Still I’m grateful that my friend, who used to be a personal trainer is here with me and she suggested that I try out plank instead as both sit-up and plank have the same effect. Yea, that’s my only choice for now.

If that’s not bad enough, I’ve another bad news too.

I’ve Vertigo. Vertigo is a sensation of feeling off balance. It is either you or your surrounding is spinning.

For the past few days, I’ve been experiencing things around me spinning the moment I sit down at my workstation. I mean I do feel like this before, but mostly when I lay down on my bed before I fall asleep. But this time is different, it’s during the day.

The very same friend of mine took me to have a check with ENT. And he said, ‘It’s Vertigo.’ Once again I was like ‘WHAT?!?’ Seriously I’ve never imagine within days I get so many bad news. Vertigo can be hereditary or due to inner ear infection. And I have it before of my genes. But thank god that I don’t need any medication as it’ll go away itself. The only thing is that I can’t stress myself out. So, yea, let’s stay cool and relax. Hopefully I won’t experience it again.




With only eleven days of 2017 and I already got two BAD news welcoming me, I do really pray and hope, I’ll get healthy again.


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bubblyironic #1
Omg, I hope you'll be healthy in no time. Well, I'm facing the same problem, I have every disease on my body,starting from my head till my toes. I hope we both will be healthy in 2017
jerraymond_munroe #2
Unnie !! Hope u will be fine soon !!! Keep strong !! ^^
Ah noona i have vertigo too. Nah i do that dont stress myself. Really vertigo is so bad. I cant stand up because that will be spinning.
eternal_exol_ot12 #4
Awww I really hope you do too. You seem like a very nice person
U will. Just dont stress. U'll be healthy.
There are things that can be done to protect your back and exercises which won't effect the base of your spine :) it sounds like your personal trainer friend has been a great support. I'm sorry about the bad news, we on aff are here for you ♡
天啊。。TT_TT 姐姐,i'll be praying and wishing for your health to improve ♡ 小心小心!
The only thing I can say is that you're fortunate to have your personal trainer friend guide you through some of those difficulties. Doctors often miss things that can be worse later. My bf had back pain that led him to not walk for 3 years due to a doctor's missed prognosis. Unfortunately it's bad luck, but you can get through this. Learn your body. Adjust to it. Stay strong. Take good care of it. I hope you stay as healthy as possible. <3
Omg rest well, sweetie and try to get proper treatment ><*virtual hug*
i am really sorry you had to be told this bad news but pls dont worry i believe after every bad news comes good news so lets just pray for good health and good news from here on out NoonaYoung
I wish you a speedy recovery and take good care of yourself <3