
Days like this I dream about my ideal life.

In my ideal life I am free of all exam burdens, no more A levels and GPA to worry about.

In my ideal life there is no existence of the 9 to 5 work day, I am the keeper of my own time and I get to do what I really want.

In my ideal life I am travelling around the world, taking in all that life has to offer.

In my ideal life I am a more gorgeous version of me, not that I am saying I am unattractive but I am the best version of me I am.

In my ideal life my youth never fades, I will not ever have to step a foot into a beauty store as I am already naturally youthful.

In my ideal life my body is invincible, I can fall down cliffs and I will still be in perfect shape.

In my ideal life I have a best friend who is just like me, who will be there for me throughout my entire journey in life.

In my ideal life I have the most romantic and princely partner. We love each other like a pair of love birds and we explore the world together.

In my ideal life everything is 10 times more aesthetically pleasing. The existence of ugliness is completely removed.

In my ideal life there is world peace, I will never have to flip through a set of newspaper and discover something negative happening around the world.

In my ideal world there is abundance. Nearly everyone is equivalent to the middle class in Singapore or above. No one has to starve and everyone gets a chance to achieve their dreams.

Still, dreams are just dreams. This is my idea of a perfect world, I wonder what yours is. Or do you already like the world the way it is?


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