
Hey guys, I'm curious.

What makes you upvote or comment on a fic?

Or refrain from doing so?

I dont do either enough but perhaps i will be able to do more in the future ;)


I just wanted to know you guys' thoughts ♡


Happy New Year! X


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Happy New Year!!!
I haven't upvoted any fic sooo...I don't really know.
And ff the way it's written like keeps me curious and makes me want to keep going for even hours , and the story is also good that it makes me want to know more about it then I'll definitely comment even just a little, because it deserves it.
Happy New Year faithful-lie!
I'm sure you can tell but I haven't been doing much reading here xP so I've been slacking, but I do check on this site quite often because of the writers and stories that I follow. What makes me upvote is when the story catches my interest and want to encourage author to keep writtin because I really want to know what's going to happen next. I do like to at least leave a small comment after each update, even if its just a thanks for the update I will try and leave something. However, when I do like a writers work a lot and leave a long comment a response is appreciated. But if there are no responses from that particular writer, I gradually tend to not leave comments anymore but it does not deter me from following the story because I will stick with it until it ends.
I would agree with what Tigress said:
subscribe= initially showing interest and support
comment= feedback for the author
upvote= encouragement to continue writing
Hi there (back from the depths, here).
so for me, I tend to upvote and subscribe to every work of my friend's (close friends only) because I want to be as supportive as possible. I also comment on all of my friend's things that I read because if I knew a friend of mine read something of mine and didn't comment, it would hurt. Like... it's the feeling of talking to your friend and telling them a story and when you're done, they're silent. So I would never want to do that to a friend of mine.
but even more than that, I refuse to do that to anyone. I find reading something and not commenting to be incredibly rude, because it is just like that hypothetical position of them telling a story and me just staring at them when it's finished. It's rude, it's hurtful, it's disheartening. Yeah, people say to "write for yourself" but why in the world should anyone publish their writing on here if no one will bother to comment? It's published so as to share it and not commenting is just rude, imo.
As for up voting, if it's not a friend's story, I upvote only if I enjoyed it. In general I only read if something looks to my taste, so I typically upvote everything I read. To me it's like this.
subscribe= initially showing interest and support
comment= feedback for the author
upvote= encouragement to.continue writing

When I was a new author on here, I began writing to share my imagination with others. I don't believe anyone who says that they only wrote for themselves and don't care about the feedback, because if that were true, they wouldn't publish on here. But anyway. For the first year and a half I had only one reader, and if it weren't for her, I would have quit. There's no point in staying if you can tell (through lack of comments) that no one cares to read. So I always try to keep in mind how it felt to have only one person who gave a damn. Commenting is so important.
haha I'm like you. I almost never comment or upvote anything, mostly because I forget about it? But when I do comment it's usually because there was a specific line or plot point that I really enjoyed. And when I upvote it's because something about the story makes it linger in my mind, long past reading it :)
What makes you comment and upvote?
I usually upvote every fic I see because I think every author deserves at least one upvote, but I only subscribe to the ones I want to read in the future.

As for commenting, I always comment once I'm done reading a chapter/one-shot. I usually comment once for every chapter there is, if I like I a lot I will comeback and leave more comments though ^^

Happy new year!
afbahrah #6
Hi~! Usually when I really like and into a fic, I upvote it. For comment, I did it almost in every chapter update or in the last chapter of a complete fic as appereciation for the author's effort (the author spent his/her precious time for us, they deserve more than comment >.<) and share my opinion. When I didn't comment, usually because I don't know how to express it :"
Let's be healthy, be happy, work harder in 2017! :D
I Comment most of the timeS- unless the fic is in fact, ..unreadable which Is rare- I'm an author myself so i know what it feels like for an author to have silent readers- hahaha ^____^

I upvote if i enjoy a fic, I'll also upvote if i feel that the author has put afford, even if i don't like the fic, i don't know why some people refuse to do so even if they've truly enjoyed the story Lol
Happy New Years! \(^_^)/
I comment when the story had struck a chord in me, it's just a feeling really. I can't explain it, but I can say that I'll comment when I feel like the story has "earned" it in a way
Happy new year~~
If it's my friends fic, I'll definitely comment. But I comment often for others too, because I know every author appreciates them.
I don't usually upvote though...
Hey there ^^ Happy new year~

And to answer your questions, I comment after every chapter if it's an ongoing since I want to show my appreciation for the effort the author put in that chapter (words of encouragement or some suggestions) and if it's a completed one, then I leave one comment at the end on how I felt reading the story.
And upvote them if I really liked the story and thoroughly enjoyed reading them.
Happy new year :) I comment when I have something to say like to thank the author , give opinion / suggestion and etc.. I upvote when the story is good .. Basically it depends
if i find it good to the point i'm on thw verge of breaking down if i didn't know what's next
Happy new year eomma!
Upvote: If I really really like it
Comment: If I have something I really want to say and if I have the time to XD