Where have I been?

So I feel like I have some explaning to do. Where the hell have I been? To simpy put it if you are the TLDR kind of person. I have been sttruggling with life and but I am finally in a better place so let me pick my pen back up.

To go into some detail though, a lot has happened in the last few years. The last time I was really active on here was probably two/three years ago. That was when I was still in school but even then I wasn't as active as I used to be when I had started. At that time I was still in my comfort zone of being in school . But three years ago all I was doing was trying to pass all my exams cuz I had given up on going to uni.

To be honest, my grades , I hated school, I hated all the subjects I was doing and I hated myself the most at that time cuz I thought I had do sujects like Business and Maths cuz Asian! People say the last few years of high school will be your best but those are all lies! The sress of passing exams and if you applied to uni then there was the stress of that. But somehow I ended up applying to a none degree Art course in our local uni. It was a year long and I really enjoyed it and during that year I was encouraged to apply for a Graphics Design course in England, I live in Wales BTW. 

Some freaking luck got me accepted and I got an uncondtional offer which means my grades didn't matter. They liked my work so they accepted me. That was the happiest I had been in a few years cuz like I said I hated the last few years of my high school. So I started my Graphics Design course last year and around that time I still wrote a few stories here every once in a while. And I think I kind of started to go MIA around Christmas last year. 

I was figuring some out around that time. I was alway from home and I hated the people I was living with. I had made a few good friends in uni but I guess being away from home and living with negative people got to me. I was only ever happy when I was in uni with the few friends I made and I started  going home every weekend. With that decision to go home every weekend, I started working in Wales. So I started going back and forth between Wales and England. 

So I started juggling work and uni and I just found no time for anything. I had no life outside uni and work and I still don't. But I am managing now and I am a lot happier now that I have moved to a new place away from negative people and I want to write again. It was one of the things that made me happy. So I wanna start again. At some point, I may change my user name but we will see, Neko1996 as a pen name has stuck and I do like it. 


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