New Story

Hi you guys, I just wanted to pop by and say that I'm writing a new story! I know, I haven't written anything in so long and that makes me terribe but I hope that you'll forgive me and read my new story! If you liked my other stories then you'll definitely like the new one. :)

I originally was going to write it with a friend, so it's been sitting as a draft for a long time, but we decided that I'd just write the story alone instead. It's called "The Heart Wants What It Wants" and I'm excited because it's my first chaptered, longer fic since "Affinity." 

It's a Markson twinAU where Jackson must ultimately choose between a set of twins: Mark and Theo, both of whom look the same but are two different people.

Here's the link, go sub and look forward to updates :))





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