ugh denguhhh

It all started one lazy Sunday night when I started having chills while watching Running Man.

I found it absurd since it was extremely humid that night, and everybody were sweating while I was in my room, shivering and curled up like a burrito as if I was living in the Antarctic. I was (tbh) amused at how I could shiver that much but at the same time, I was also afraid, because never have I ever had chills when I was having a fever. Even my parents were surprised by this since they knew that it was the first occurrence. They took my temp and the thermometer pretty much tells us that it's just a normal fever, and so we relied on prayers and paracetamol for the next three days until the fever was gone.


Things were doing well after that. I went to school, I went out with my friends, watched movies, made drafts and stories, but days later, as I was typing an update for my story here on AFF (In Another Life yES GO READ IT LOL), typing seemed to be much of a challenge because my fingers, particularly my knuckles and joints were aching. Looking at the laptop's screen was a pain in the  eyes, red blots started appearing all over my arms and legs and I just felt like resting that night. 


A few hours later, everything, even simply lying down, was getting real uncomfortable. I cried (literally) while walking down to my parents' room and I told them I really was not feeling well. They were quick to respond, checking on me immediately and mom thought I had dengue fever. 


I vividly recall how I reacted when she said that: "What? Ew," xDDDDDD 


Kidding aside, they rushed me to the hospital, and good heavens the needles were countless -___- I felt like going home because being at the hospital was way more uncomfortable. Platelet was 124 that night, and on the next day it friggin dropped to 34. i literally thought i was going to die on the next day  but thankfully, everything just worked out completely fine. The doctor and the nurses were really caring, and there were sufficient blood donors (i feel all those people rushing through my veins rn lol). Friends came to pray and support me, and give me my all-time fave KFC (with extra-extra-extra-extra gravy). My parents were also there with me, constantly praying and watching over. For all these things, I am really humbled and grateful. 

I stayed for a few days at the hospital, just to make sure that by the time i get back home, i could do the normal tasks I could do. They also had to clean the house and my room to get rid of the mosquitoes and other stuff that could get anyone in the family prone to dengue fever.


So yeaaaaah, that's basically it! I just got back home two days ago, and it's good to be back home (and back here!) it's my first time to pull an all-nighter since coming back from the hospital because of homework (it's 3:06 AM) but i'll be taking my rest soon after I post this. 


I hope you guys keep safe (esp if you're in a tropical country, or if it's raining hard from where you live). Always build up your immune system, and be mindful of those areas where there is stagnant water (esp flower vases). If you may, replace the water every 5 days. <3 enjoy the holidays!


-mich <3


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cnsd13 #1
Good to know u r getting better. Take care of urself, and have a good rest. Don't stress urself too much :)
Dengue fever is seriously no joke.. I got that before too. Do take good care and may u get well soon
Get well soon authornim:(
wah , i really miss your story but i'll wait for it patiently for the update:(