open request

Like how you see on the title, im going to open a free(lol) request. Anyone can request any type of genre. But please, vixx pairing but othet otp is okay too like the ones that i know.


Honestly, im having my brain blocked by some clouds so i cant concentrate on continuing my other stories. But i will still try to update them! Promise!


So, come come and help me washing my rusty brain!


Also, im on my way with NAVI fluff oneshot.


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nomorename #1
Well I have bunch of idea out of nowhere actually but i'm not sure you will like it or not
How about something fluffy for x-mas with idol-au
Like leo is practice hard and fall a sick few day before Christmas day so other member (his couple) take care of him but he still sullen about can't exchange gift with other member because his couple don't let him go to shopping because he still sick so he said about how he already plan to but gift for each member to his couple. So he is sad at the xmas day but actually the his couple prepared the gift he want to get for each member.
Well I don't know what's your favorite otp so you choose
Anyeay if you don't like the plot don't forced yourself to write about it hahaha
And sorry for my broken english
KTsuki-chan #2
I don't really have an idea x) Actually, I'm just waiting for your updates, and I don't really like to "force" a request... and I have no idea to give anyways... ^^' sorry~~