What's wrong with the world?

Since I'm a krisyeol shipper myself, I can't believe what I'm seeing in the feeds these days.

Why and why more people love bottom!Kris in this re-la-sion-ship? Are you freaking kidding me? I'm getting triggered because I love the ship so much and you're ruining it. It's like people checking the tags lessen because of this phenomena.

I don't want to be a douche but it's the truth. You see, why are you making an adorable girly person in the form of Chanyeol on top? I know he's tall but Kris is way taller just to knock your head. I don't find Kris cute since he's handsome. Are you not getting cringy with what you're doing?

If I bash on your work, it will only make your crap popular due to pity. Men, I really want to shower you with curses urgh...

So that's it for now. I'm sorry but I really need to release this.

If you have questions with my works, feel free to ask it here.

Love you guys and anticipate ten's and my works in fanforyeol. I wonder they are not updating since Thursday.


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