B.A.P's Bang Yong Guk, Himchan, and Daehyun are at the center of 'Noir' deals in character trailers

Image result for B.A.P's Bang Yong Guk, Himchan, and Daehyun are at the center of 'Noir' deals in character trailers

In Bang Yong Guk's character clip, he's seen lounging at the poker table, but its obvious there are some shady deals going on behind the scenes! In Himchan's character trailer, he seems like the boss man of some black-suited gang with danger lurking all around him! (Is that one of the members he's pointing a gun at?!)

Finally, in Daehyun's character clip, he hints that he may be playing the role of a detective in this scenario, searching for clues but also, getting emotional about some tragic events to unfold.

Remember, they're looking for a criminal named "X", but we have no leads on who "X" is yet! Stay tuned for character trailers of the rest of their members, as well as the full MV for B.A.P's upcoming title track "Skydive", so we can finally get some answers on November 7!


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