ARMYs apologizing

I know that all fandoms have those immature fans that are constantly starting fanwars, but it's pretty effing stupid to blame the whole fandom for it. And hopefully other fandoms will realize that ARMY is a huge fandom so the number of immature fans will be proportionately larger than in most fandoms.


So while the other fans apolgize for immature ones, I think we need to get our facts straight. I've seen ARMYs apologizing for no reason at all and it downright pisses me off.


The apology towards EXO-L regarding Lay was absolutely fine, since some ARMYs did go ahead and make fun of someone's medical condition. An apology was justly due.


But goddamn, why are ARMYs apologizing for even breathing? On a comment thread, when other fandoms freely bash BTS (Note: BTS not ARMY) and some fans defend them, some other ARMYs soon post: As an ARMY, I apologize for what the other ARMYs are saying.


Oh, so other fandoms can call BTS overrated and generic, plagiarizers, ugly, talentless and many other adjectives without a basis, and we're supposed to it up and let them? And the moment one of us will say anything nowhere near hateful about another group, we're haters and ARMYs need to chill? Like yeah, Group 'X' is great and all but there is a reason we are ARMY. We stan BTS and for us, BTS is a better group. That doesn't automatically put Group 'X' down.


Blood Sweat and Tears MV was full of comments like "IGot7 supporting BTS," "Carats supporting BTS," "VIP, EXO-L supporting BTS," and yet, when you go to the MVs of the respective bands, comments where someone says "ARMY supports this band" are often replied with unnecessarily vehement hate, stating how ARMYs should go back to listening to their whiny instead of commenting and PROMOTING on another band's MV.


What about 'support' is promoting?


And it's almost tragic how ARMYs start their statement with, "I apologize for the other ARMYs but not all of us are like that."


Like what? Supportive and defensive of their own idols?


Before we apologize as ARMYs, we need to get our facts straight and think about where an apology is due. If you're sorry for an ARMY who defends BTS with facts, then please, the door to leaving the fandom is wide open.


Defending your idol is completely fine no matter what fandom you're a part of as long as you don't hate on others. Comparisons are often unfair, but when you're judging a particular criterion (EG. Group one's vocal with Group two's vocal), it's NOT hate. I'll admit any day of the week EXO has better vocalists than BTS, but when you call BTS 'less talented than EXO' because of that... fam, we're at war because I have solid facts I can throw at your face.


But only if you're still reasonable as a person because if you're not, I'll just exit with a "Errthing Errthing Errthing, Sorry Bae." -__-


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trash101 #1
*dabs to this*
This is very relatable. I see so many other fandoms bashing ARMYs everywhere and I think that's unfair because not every ARMY is rude!
I think you're right about apology but no way I'm going to stop calling out the entire fandom because that's gives everyone an excuse to say "not me" - even the bad guys.
Face it, calling out is for everybody.

Apologizing does nothing so I really don't care or want army's to apologize anyway. It's not like it does anything to lessen or worsen hate so.