GOT2DAY 2016: Markjin/Jinmark

Warning: It contains some(?) mentions of boyxboy/ stuff, so don't bother reading this if you're against it. I've warned you. :)

Has anyone else watched the Markjin episode. After watching that episode, i'm suddenly feeled with the Markjin feels. xD Like i swear they are using their episode to tell us that they are indeed together, and that Mark is the bottom one in the relationship. Like when Mark hit his knee and was crying (more like xD) in pain, did you see Jinyoung's expression hahahahahaha. He was like 'babe don't do this to me right now'. And did you hear what Jinyoung said afterwards, he was like the fans are going to come up with something wrong (or something like that). He know. JINYOUNG EFFING KNOWS ABOUT FANS AND THEIR CREATIVE AND IMAGINATIVE MINDS. HAHAHAHAHAHHAA
And i'm pretty sure Jinyoung always pulls Mark into his chest for cuddles. Did you see how Mark basically just curled up into him so obeying like a little kid (submissive not in the bad way), and how Jinyoung was staring at the camera like 'LOOK AT THIS, HE IS MINE. BACK OFF YALL.'
Don't say i'm delusional (maybe i am, probably i am) but just watch that episode. You'll know what i'm talking about. xD

P.s. Also, this comes from a fan, so don't take it to heart if you don't ship. I just need somewhere to rant my feels and stuff.



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JM-ing #1
I watched it too~ really mark give bottom vibe in that video kkkk it not bad actually~ but i really like jinyoung bite mark . And his expression after that . And his voice oh my god so deep very deep he was said i want to make sure it did not itchy anymore kyaaa
Haha, I watched that episode and Mark was just too adorable. Jinyoung acts like the big brother instead of Mark at times. Mark is just too cute and could really pass for the maknae.

I don't ship them, I just find them adorable as siblings.