Hurting the member who's not your bias

Okay this post is going to be full of me just ranting about how some fans just can't contain themselves. I'm still going to write it though, because it annoys me and I want to talk about this.

WARNING: language



Stop whining about your bias while watching another member's live on V. 

Seriously. Who the hell does this? Why do you even freaking watch a live if you can't watch it without having to spam the comments with "WHERE'S _____"? No one cares about your freaking bias not being there. Stop hurting the other members. I've seen this happen especially during ASTRO and BTS lives, where some idiots come and watch the live just to ask the "less popular" member about their bias' whereabouts. I don't follow girlgroups so I don't know if this is something that girlgroup fans do. Still, I'm pretty sure that this has happened with girlgroups, too.

I do have a bias in both ASTRO and BTS. In both groups my bias is one of the so called more popular members. Do I spam the comments with "WHERE'S EUNWOO?" or "WHERE'S JUNGKOOK?" during a live held by, let's say, MJ or J-hope? No. Why? Because I freaking understand that the person who's filming the live is doing it for us, the fans, and that he too has a heart and feelings. I'm pretty sure most of the idiotic fans understand this too, which makes their actions even more disgusting and annoying. 

Why? That's all I want to know. Is it because you don't give a flying about the other members? Is it because you're feeling down and want to see your bias because only he can make you feel better? 

I'm not saying that I'm a freaking saint or something, because I'm not. I admit that I don't care about the members equally. I just don't love them all as much as I love my bias. Have I ever asked about my bias during another member's live though? Nope. Never. I almost have but I'm glad I didn't because even though sending "where's Eunwoo?" is only one comment to me, it is one of many to the person who's reading the comments while filming the live. I'm not saying that I only care about my bias. That's not true. I care about all members (whatever the reason).

Some fans might think "I'm asking about my bias only because I'm curious, not because I want to hurt the other members" but it's still just as bad as what the other fans are doing. When you send a comment asking "where's Jimin?" or "where's Moonbin?", the member you're asking it from won't know your reason. They'll just see it and think "am I not good enough?", "why does he need to be here?", "do I not have fans?" etc. It will hurt them anyway, which is why you should just enjoy the live held by a lovable member who's not your bias.

I'm not going to say the fans who are acting like this are just really young and immature little es because that is not always the case. Yes, I'm young and that might be the reason why I think like this but still, not all of those idiots are underage. Believe me. "More mature" people make mistakes too and can be real jerks.


Asking less popular members (and the more popular ones) about your bias is like telling them that they don't matter, that they are not important. It's like telling them that they are not needed and that no one cares about them wanting to chat with their fans or that no one wants to know how they are doing. 

Just stop.



Sorry, this post is a mess ._." 


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skoreafan #1
I realize this happens a lot, and to be honest it is kind of annoying. Even if I'm not an army or an exo-l, I know this happens a lot. And I feel bad for the lesser known members who don't get as much attention.