STORYTIME: I made a 50 on my College Essay??

Hi so I might make this a thing, I might not. Who knows? I like talking to y'all and blogs are fun so yeah here I go:

So for my Senior English class (a.k.a. AP Literature) we wrote a rough draft of one of our college essays. Now, my AP Lit teacher is  notorious for being a hard grader but silly me thought 'hey, i'm a good writer. i write stuff all the time. this will be a breeze' 


​We got our graded essays back today and I was ready for something low like a 75 or 70 because that's what most good writers in the class were recieiving...BUT...OH my GOD, let me tell you, I was not expecting a inG 50.

Her main critiques were that I used too many extended metaphors and "flowery" language.

At first I was quite pissed about this because I thought she was just hating on my writing style (lmao) but after thinking with my brain instead of my I realized that my teacher is actually right

really?? the person with a masters degree is right and not some short-fused teen who dabbles in creative writing?? wow amazing

^^ that was sarcasm btw

Basically what I learned is that a writer can (and should) have more than one definitive writing style. I may have my creative writing style for my fics and stuff, but I need to better differentiate that from my more formal styles that colleges and AP graders seem to like.

I know this may seem like a given but I just never thought that 65 year old dead-eyed college professors wouldn't want to read my beautifully crafted three-paragraph-long flowery metaphors...

^^ that was also sarcasm

But yeah lmao, that's just something I've learned recently and I thought I would share with y'all. And yes, if you are wondering, that 50 is actually going into the gradebook so if I suddenly fall off the face of the Earth it's because my mother has killed me.

I think I'm gonna start writing in my blog more often because I like just scribbling down my thoughts and I like talking to yalllll. Also bc wanna close the gap that I feel is between us and create more of a connected relationship rather than just a writer and their digital audience...especially when I disappear to write chapters.

Speaking of, I am writing the next chapter currently because, as you can see, I was working on a college essay all week.

Talk to y'all later! -kj



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When it comes to essays for uni, you just need to be forward with your words and use third pov. And what matter most is the structure then the contents of the topic. You will have a topic/thesis for first paragraph and your research summarized in the middle (Usually just write down the facts and put them in order), and you end it with a conclusion of all the researches and how it tied into your topic.

Creative writing is much harder than writing essays, imo. My freshman year in uni I took up four reading classes that require me to write an essay almost every two days. *hint* don't make that mistake. Classes with a heavy reading structures will have you write endless essays.