The Author-Reader-Comment challenge (and mini-rant)

I don't like going on rants, but I've seen so much of this recently that I need to get off it off my chest.  I was going to throw out the challenge in the New Year, but that's months away.


Writers out there.  If you are going to hold chapters to ransom, or request, beg, demand or any other kind of entreaty for comments, at least make the effort to reply to some of them.  Or upvote them.  Or only reply to the long ones.  Or something that shows the reader you've noticed and you thank them for their time, somehow.

I'm not even joking – I went on a reading spree a little while back and out of about twenty fics, at least fifteen of them had the authors demanding comments, asking why nobody was commenting, and then when I scrolled down to the comments, whaddayaknow, there are some there (some quite long ones, too) that have no replies and look like the writer has just ignored them.  Or, in most cases, no replies at all.  None.  Nada.  Zilch.


Okay, everybody likes comments.  I'm not gonna lie: I personally love them.  I'd rather receive a long comment over an upvote or a dozen new subscribers anyday, because I love knowing what people think about my writing, and often as not somebody will offer some valuable insight or pick up on something I've missed that I need to change or edit, and just as often, I end up having really interesting discussions and making friends with my readers.  Most of my fics have a few readers who will comment on literally every single chapter, too.  I know I'm lucky and privileged, and that not everybody has that, but let's be real.  There are three ways you're going to get people commenting on your work when you upload chapters.


1) You already have a massive fanbase.

2) Your writing is exceptional.

3) You make the readers feel like their opinions on your work are worth something.


1) is largely down to luck.  2) is sort of down to luck, because there are some truly fantastic works of art out there that are barely known, but a lot of people will go out of their way to comment on something they think is genuinely amazing, even if it's only once when you've finished it.  3) is entirely down to you.  Entirely.  If you want to cultivate a readership base, you either have to hit the jackpot or you have to work for it.


If you ask for comments, and people comment, and then you don't do anything about it that they concretely feel/see in response, then they will give up and think it isn't worth it.  It's very simple.  And it's not I've given them a chapter, so them commenting is gratitude/their side of the author-reader deal/whatever – well, yes and no.  You provide a chapter.  It's not mandatory for anybody to read it.  It's not mandatory for anybody to comment.  It's not even mandatory for you to provide the chapter in the first place.  For a lot of people, their way of showing their appreciation is subscribing and (if they can) upvoting, which fulfills the deal of tacit appreciation on both end (even though the author's end is an awful lot of work).  A comment is beyond that, and some readers find them scary to write.  They don't know what to write.  They don't know how to approach the author.  If the author's well known or written something the reader really likes, it's kind of a will senpai notice me? moment.

Well, to be honest, it's like approaching somebody and saying something, and then being totally blanked if there's no response.  That's disheartening.


It's different, too, when you don't ask for comments and don't reply to comments.  You haven't asked for anything extra.


To the writers out there, please just consider this.  Most people commenting on your stories really like them, or they wouldn't be commenting.  Upvoting a thoughtful comment is like smiling to somebody who approaches you and says something.  Replying is like responding to that person.

Yes, replying to comments takes time.  You don't have to reply to every single one.  Upvoting the comments is literally a click.  Maybe just reply to one comment for each chapter posted.  If readers realise you respond to them, they're more likely to comment next time, and the time after, and the time after that... and other people will be encouraged to comment too when they see that you reply to them.  If you ask, at least consider responding.  Responding to one comment each time, or upvoting comments, really does not take a lot of time out of the day.  Responding to every single one you receive does take more time (I know from experience), but it's oddly rewarding – though not for everybody.

And to the readers out there, writers love comments.  They really do.  Some won't respond because there isn't a conversation opener in the comment, or because they don't know how to, or because they're really, really busy, but receiving a comment a couple of lines plus about what you like in a chapter will quite often be what gives them the motivation to write the next one.


So here's my challenge to you.

If you're a writer, see if you can't pick one story where you make an effort to respond to comments, whether by upvotes or replies.

If you're a reader, see if you can't pick one story to follow where you attempt to comment every few chapters, or more frequently, with at least three sentences per comment.



(It would be nice to somehow spread this challenge and see if it catches on, but I might save that for a later date.)


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I picked one just recently to reply to all of them because it's not as crazy as the numbers I have on WJDBC but after meeting you, I will be replying to most of them especially now. Before this there wasn't an upvote function and I was too busy to really reply what those long comments deserve just a thank you or copy pasted reply isnt good enough. And after a while its too long. One thing I can say I dont think I have begged for comments? I tell them to leave a comment but no full out 'where my comments at'. I still feel guilty reading this post so I need to do better hehe.

You're an amazing author, Korey. You truly deserve your success. <3
Omg this is so true. Like I've noticed that a lot, but sometimes they don't really reply to most of the comments and choose to reply to only some of them, and I think the readers might get discouraged if they see that too. I'm relieved I'm not the only one that feels like this too. u_u
THIS THIS. I remember at the beginning as simply just a reader, I wouldn't comment as much because there were just some authors who wouldn't respond at all to comments, granted I still upvoted if I liked a story enough. But then as time went by, it was something to be noticed with how writers and readers sort of relied on each other--in terms of how writers needed the support, but also readers needed to know if their thoughts were heard, if I'm making any sense. ;u;
Seenaa #4
This is so spot on ! always write comments because the writer said that us commenting will motivate them so i did it. But sometimes i don't know what to write bcause english is not my first language i'm afraid the writers don't really get what i mean, or maybe get offended by it, or making a fool of myself, well to sum it up i just feel insecure hehehe. But i'll try to appreciate the writes more from now by giving upvotes or and comments (bc whether they have good writing or not, it's really admirable to have the courage to write, something that i don't have) and that's alright if the writes don't reply on my comment but it would be really awesome if the do it:)) btw thank you korey for always replying to all of my comments ! ^^
sisasha #5
OMG Korey this hit in the bullseye. I my self, regularly put comments here and there, only to make sure the author know the gratitude I feel upon reading their stories. But sometimes, I don't get any replies. That's why I always thankful that you manage to reply to each of your reader, I somehow feel appreciated for telling my thoughts.
Thank you for this post :) but I have a question. I've asked my readers for comments, but I rarely receive any (many of my comments are made by my IRL friends). I always reply to them. What should I do? It's gotten to the point that instead of updating once a week like I did when I started, I've been so disheartened that I've only had the motivation of write a chapter every four to six weeks for the past few months. I'd really appreciate your input. Thanks!
Iamyourcake #7
Thanks for this Korey. I don't expect all writers to be like you and reply to every single comment, but it can be disheartening when I write a really long comment and get no response. Everyone should read this post
Tbh I don't really care if authors reply back to my comments. More often than not I leave comments just to let the author know I really enjoyed their story cuz I've been trying to be a more frequent commentor (tho I've been failing at this over the last few months... I'm sorry to all authors whose fics I liked but didn't comment on... yours included :( I really like a lot of your fics but I haven't been commenting alot recently >.< tho I'll take this chance to tell u I really liked Attayear!! I really liked your characterization in that fic!! Scifi is one of favest genres and the plot was mind blowing, but your characterization in that fic somehow caught my eye more than the plot! I just really loved all the characters!)
Back to the point; so even though I usually just comment to let the author know I loved the story, when the author replies, it does encourage me to comment more, cuz friendly author! New people to talk to! And also its always interesting to talk with the author about the story cuz they sometimes tell u little things about the characters and the plot that u may have missed or weren't mentioned in the story and the universe suddenly becomes that much more real!

So I'm trying to say is; I wouldn't really blame authors for not replying to comments, sometimes they're too busy or get waaayy too many comments (how u reply to all of ur comments, I can never understand. Ur seriously amazing!), or r too shy but would still like to know what the readers think. In the end, if they don't reply, then they just won't get as many comments, and that's more their loss than the readers loss..
But anyway, I shall attempt this challenge and actually frequently comment on fics I like!
Honestly, the fact that some people decide to ignore comments and not reply to them makes me feel sad. Mostly for them, though. Because from my own experience I know how awesome it is to get comments. They don't have to be long or super detailed, but if I get a constructive comment that I can actually REPLY to, it makes my day, and I always look forward to seeing more of them. I just don't understand how someone can pass on a chance to talk about their writing with someone who sincerely cares??

And just like Emilieee said, it's pretty much the same as real life. You don't ignore people when they talk to you, especially if they have something important to say. It's just rude. I don't think most writers realize what they're missing out on by ignoring the comments they get D: Each comment is like a whole new point of view, a whole new world of possible outcomes and ideas and inspiration. It's just really sad to think that someone doesn't get to see that world simply because they don't feel like replying or think that the comments are a given :(

Also, I've been kinda ignoring the comment upvote thing. Not consciously, I think, I just forgot about it. I think I'm gonna start doing it now :D
I love it when authors respond to my comments, it gives me the satisfaction that the author saw my comment and thought it was good enough to respond to. Though, most of the time the authors I follow don't respond to any comments. For me that feels sad, but since I don't know the circumstances the author is going through I feel I have no right to judge them.
If I was a writer I would love to reply to every comment on my stories hehe
Most of the time in every work I read I always leave a comment per chapter or once I finish them (in case it's a one shot) mostly because I like commenting and sharing my opinions. I do dislike the ''update soon pls'' trend though. //I feel like my comment doesn't make sense at all lmao
I do feel like it should be common courtesy for a writer to reply if they complain they don't get enough comments. It's not exactly necessary, but if someone says something to you, it's not much different from the real world — replying would be the politest thing to do.

It is slightly disheartening when you update and someone comments with "update soon," but for the most part, it is more or less a privelege to have people read your works and leave feedback on it.

And I did realize you voted my comments on Attayear one day when I looked at my comment rep and it was over 50. I should start that too.
Thank you so much for writing this! I hate it when people complain about how nobody comments on their stories and sh*t like that, and I scroll down to see that they don't even reply to them. It's so annoying to see. Then it gives me the idea that these authors are only making these stories for the attention and not because they actually want to share their ideas with people. That turns me off like crazy and I just can't continue reading, and then they've lost a reader. I tend to comment on stories where I see the author replies to every single comment, and only sometimes, if I see an that author doesn't reply but I really, really enjoyed their story will I comment. I hope lots of people read this because I'm seriously so annoyed with those types of authors. Your readers took time out of their day to read, subscribe and comment on YOUR story, so why not take the time out of your day to respond to them, even if it's with a simple "Thank you".