Reblog this if you have someone who hates KPOP.


Reblogged from: XPrisca150


Look, I don't really care if you dislike kpop, or even the people.

Once you say you hate it, you bring it to a new different level.

If you really love music, you would read the lyrics or go with the song's rhythm.I thought that was the reason why people love music.

You hate kpop because you can't understand a single word. Oie! Kpop-Hatters! Haven't you heard the sentence 'Read the English Sub'.... You must be so stupid to not know that. Their lyrics could even relate to life FYI.

Also, why do you always say the kpop boys are gay? Is it because of their styles? The way they dance? They're cuter than you? Listen here people.

You're just jealous of them. And I mean it. JEAlOUS. Want me to spell it out for you? My pleasure. J-E-A-L-O-U-S. They're cuter? Its in their genes! They don't wanna dance like that. They're choreographers created the dance moves, not them. Their styles? Hello~ Most of our styles now are for your information, are from Korea! We follow their styles!

Too stupid to realize that? HAHAHA.

Who are you to call them gay? Have you even talk to them? Especially Key? NO. Now shut your crap before I fill it with wasabi.



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Most es I know think kpop is gay.
This is why I don't have any friends. Lol
kolmilyo #2
I love you for say that.