I am really curious about something

Hello everybody! I saw that one of my author friends had written in her status something along the lines of "I wonder if I am anyone's favorite author" and I must confess this thing hasn't left my mind since. So here goes nothing. Am I a favorite author for some of you? Or maybe, none? I am just curious. Don't take this the bad way. Please let me know through your comments or just PM me. I like to think I am making at least one person's life a little bit more entertaining, fuller, or better with my stories but I must confess I am not sure if it's not just my delusional mind playing tricks on me. Don't be shy. Just let me know what you think. 


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rosy20 #1
You're definitely one of my faves .your stories are well written and interesting to read
Can I say you're my favorite author ? I don't know. In any case you're part of the authors whose I like to read the stories
I don't really have a favorite author, but I like your stories so I can said that you're a author I really like to read