First Story...

Main Couple: KAISOO 

Title: One Winter Night

Kai has always live a rich life, but he wasn't always happy about it. His family and friends look up to him only for his money, but what will happen when he toke a lonely boy from the street?. Can his frozen heart be open up by this one boy? Will he fall in love or fall into more depression?

Second Story...


Starting Bobby and Mino(just because😂)

Title: Street boys

Growing up as childhood friends wasn't easy for Bobby and Mino. Bobby father was abusive and Mino mother never pay any attention to him. As they grew up together they begin to fall for each other, but at the same times they were afraid to confess their love, fearing their friendship might be destroy. When they were 17 years old, Bobby ran away from home because he wouldn't take the abuse from his father anymore. Mino was heartbroken when he heard this so he started hating Bobby since then. Few years later they met again, Bobby now a successful rich man and Mino still trying his hardest to provide food for his now sick mother. Will they confess their love for each other this time around? Or will they continuing to hide the fact that they were made for each other?

Third Story...

Main Couple: KAISOO

Title: Mr. Wrong

On Kyung-Soo 16 birthday, he wishes upon a shooting star to fine Mr. Right. But as faith has it, love can be fine in the most strangest  places. The next day when Kyung-Soo got to school he immediately caught the attention of Kai. The super bad boy who doesn't care about anyone, but himself. At first they were like Tom  and Jerry, but slowly Kyung-Soo starts to fall for Kai, Mr. Wrong. But as the saying goes, to have a happy endings there are bound to be one evil plot. So what will happen when their past come back to hunt him? Can Kai protect Kyung-Soo? Will there ever be a happy ending for them? Or will their past destroy them both?




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larabishay #1
Number 2 will getting excited just by the description
Damn. Number two sounds pretty interesting. I'd love to read it.
dontforgetthisuserna #3
I like both of the first two :)
BriannaHeart #4
Theast kaisoo fic Mr.Wrong is something I really want to read. For the Mobb one I really don't really read this couple. Their not a ship that I can ship romantically. Like their like a brotp than an otp. For the first one I also want to read. I just really like the poor/rich pairing.
smilewhy #5
Mobb I will read it for sure
Yess for MOBB!! Please, do write about them. I've been thirsting for a fic about those two since they announced they'll collaborate together. I just really want a IkonxWinner fic ;-;