Finding Happiness

In our economics class today, we were talking about happiness, and how to find it.

About half of the class mentioned that getting your needs out of the way, like money and materials, would make you happy. Others, had said trust, love, security, was how you find happiness.

But the problem is, how do you get trust, love, and security.

And I don't mean love like personal love. I mean eteranl love. Some people call it divine love, or compassion that can last forever. 

One boy in my class said, "I find happiness in music, so when I buy a new record, I'm happy."

I agree, I do find happiness in music. But music doesn't last forever. For example, when he announced that to the class (we were all sitting in a circle), I immediately asked him, "But what if it breaks?"

His reply was a smirk and he said, "I'll just buy another one."

"And if that one breaks?"

"Then I'll buy another one. Duh, Anna, what are you trying to start here?"

I just gave him a sad look and said, "So you're willing to lose all this money, just to buy a new record/cd/music, to be happy?"

He paused, gave me a weird look, and said, "I'm not sure."

"Will you be happy?"


Then we started talking about how to measure happiness. In economics, scholars have been measuring happiness in different nations based on their financial security. 

I couldn't disagree more.

For example, in the charts, America is one of the most unhappy nations. But in another nation, where a terrible earthquake had recentally hit, they were incredibally happy.

Now that sounds weird right? But when asked why they were happy, they responded, "Because everyone is kind, giving, loving, understanding, and we couldn't be more caring. We haven't seen compassion like this in decades."

When our teacher asked us what we thought of scholars measuring happiness based on national security (as in financially, materialistically), I immediately said, "That's not possible. You can't measure happiness with materials, because eventually, everything will fall. Of course, you can be happy for awhile, but you'll always be worrying about how to get into a higher position, higher status, and soon enough this neverending worry will make you stressed and tense."

The class was silent, and finally, another boy said, "Wow, that's deep."

And for a second there I thought he was being sarcastic, but then he proceeded to say, "I never thought of it like that. It's a brilliant way of thinking."

So my teacher than asked me, "Anna, what makes you truly happy?"

And without hesitation I responded, "Knowing I can trust my friends, and family, and knowing that they'll love and support me with whatever obstacle I must face in the future."

Another girl piped up and asked me, "What about relationships? Don't you want one?"

I paused, and contemplated her words, then carefully choosing my words, I responded with, "If something comes up, something happens, I'll accept the person's love, but if they leave, I'll still be content, because I know I'm never alone when I have so many others who love me just as much."

For a moment, I realized I had possibly overwhelmed the class. And so to clear things up, I explained. "I'm not saying materials is a bad thing. Yes, you need financial stability, and your everyday materials to live, or play the game of life. What I'm trying to say is, don't stress yourself out and fall unhappy because you're always looking for the next best thing, it will never be enough. So instead of matierals, look for something else, something eternal, something that will last forever, and when you do, you'll be happy."

When my teacher asked me how I would feel if my friends and family left me, they betrayed and hurt me, I just secretly smiled and said, "There's a quote from someone, a long time ago, someone once told their friend, "I have always loved thee, ever shall I love thee."

And when I remember that, I know I'm never alone. And I'm happy once again. 

I'm sure I left the rest of the class with more questions than answers. But that was my answer to eternal happiness. And I'm not going to publically speak of what I truly meant, but I know, and positively know, that I'm never alone, there's always someone, and they may not be on this planet, but they care for you, and they will always love you.  

So find that eternal love, find that eternal trust, and you'll be happiest you've ever been.

I'm sorry if I overwhelmed anybody, I just wanted to rant, and possibly help a few people out there who need it.


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I agree that financial security can bring temporary happiness, but I do think that long-term happiness comes from within.
yooo we share the same name, I'm also Anna :D
I like ur way of thinking. We kind of think the same :3 but I don't believe in eternal love (except the love from your parents and such). I don't believe that when u fall in love with someone, you will forever love and be with them. I believe people fall out of love. Which is why I never want to get married. Friendship on the other hand... For me friendship is much more important than just loving someone in a romantic way. But I guess that's just me hahah