I came up with a new poster for the story I'm writing and wants some opinions

Hey everyone, if you saw my last blog about me deciding about a poster for my  story "Prince in Disguise" then you're know. And if you don't then...oh well. So what do you think of this cover???

New and improved maybe(thanks to @Solbee for the opinions)



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as a casual viewer I think it looks nice enough. good job :)
Some tips/advice:
- I'd personally choose a different font type, the placement is okay though ^^
- What is the red piece next to Amber's head? I think it's a part of layer you forgot to brush away.
I can spot more parts you forgot to blend better. Mainly around her head ^^
- Amber is way bigger than Krystal, which could be either funny or weird.
In this case, for me, it's not working as the difference is too little.
- Amber's hand is chopped off little awkwardly :P hehe.
- Perhaps adding a fun color filter would be nice too?

I like how you positioned Amber. I like how their clothing matches too. I like the 'hinding in the bush' idea as a metafor!
happyabc #3
Amber looks cool! :) good job.