What's the deal with Sehun's hair??

How come it was only blonde for this one video and now it's back brown again?

What is this !!

Like how Daehyunnies hair was like Grey and Pink for only a couple days, too .

Like, can you nott lol



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I wrote this for you.

A lot of groups do that. I think that part of companies will do it for the shock. For instance, BIGSTAR's Sunghak was GORGEOUS with his blond hair and golden skin, but when they had their comeback stage, he was back to dark.
Question...Where is Kai in all the performances? Haha.

But yeah, I don't like they change the hair colors so fast. I know when Growl came out, Luhan, Tao and Sehun all had different hair colors for each performance. That can't be good for their hair. It's very damaging, especially if they have to bleach it to get the color out before putting in the new color.
okay i swear friday it was blonde
saturday it was red
and now youre telling me its brown??

what is going on o_o;;
They really should stop with the over excessive dying of the hair.
I don't care what expensive, well known products they're using, it's going to ruin their hair in the long run.
Sehun, of course, looks fabulous with the blonde hair (but I will take anything from him <3 ) but his natural dark hair makes him look older since he's already so stoic.
Now Daehyun, with that pink/gray hair was fantabulous, but he looks good with his dark hair as well...
I NEED SEHUN WITH BLONDE HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He dyed it blond so he can dye it into wine color brown, like in the song, apparently.