I'M TRYING!!!!!!!!


It is I.

Okay just a quick update: Sorry that I haven't been able to finish the damn chapter AND I have my reasons for it.

1) I'm having a microscopic writer's block

2) I have a HUGE Peter Pan production that has needed several rehearsals that I needed to attend. And I'm honestly so ing tired. Tomorrow is the closing performance though. SO HEPPI!!!!

3) I'm just so tired that my words sound like Ravi's English so scuse meh.

4) I'm actually trying really hard to get this annoying chapter out. Quick story: When our opening night performance was being held, I was back stage doing make-up while writing the chapter....AT THE SAME BLOODY TIME LOL!!! DEDICATION LEVELS OVER 9000!!!!!

So yea...those are my lame excuses for the slow update. But it'll be out soon. I promise!

Love ya guys

Night (or morning)


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Just listen to Suga's mixtape and die. The best option out of every option in the world.