EXO Lotto MV be killin me!!!!!

I still haven't gotten over Suga's Agust D, and he decides to drop Give it to me MV!!! And above all while watching that I see that EXO released Lotto MV!!!!!


I literally cried (I felt so stupid -.-) ACTUALLY CRIED!!! That took me by surprise!

I honestly just want to cry some more T-T

Someone please rant with me about how EXO is KILLING ME INSIDE!!!!!!

Lipstick, chateau wanbich, colour la la la la

(that one line gives me so much feels :-S )


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I almost cried when I first watched VIXX's Fantasy mv and now I've been playing Lotto both versions on repeat one after the other!!! Daebak!!!!!! And I'll go check Suga too cause I just found out it is that Agust D video ( I'm lame like that XP)