SG Wannabe

Okay, am I just blind? Am I not looking hard enough? Or is there just no fanfiction for SG Wannabe? 
I can't possibly be the only person to have had the sudden urge to read a fic about those lovely men.

I'm having SUCH an SG Wannabe day. Anytime I listen to Arirang it sparks something.
I ADORE (to the point of obsession sometimes) pretty much every kpop group or artist you can throw at me, but if I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life... I would pick SG Wannabe's Arirang. That song breaks my heart every time and I'm addicted to it. 
Originally I started out majorly Dongha biased (don't get me wrong, I will forever adore that man) but now I'm becoming really Jinho biased too.
His voice is like.. for my soul. (I feel after a comment like that, I need to add that I have never done and never will do drugs.)
I just can't get enough of his voice right now.. He's so passionate when he sings you can FEEL it right down into your soul. His whole body moves with his passion as he sings. I love watching him sing almost as much as I love listening to him.

Can you tell I'm a little fan girl-y right now?

Plus.. look at him. He's completely charming. <3 (I love his eyes.. )

Fine.. if no one else will do it.. I will work on my writing skills and return (eventually) with my own Jinho (/SG Wannabe) fic!!



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