K-netz be preachin' the (Sung)gyuspel

I love reading about how other people love Kim Sunggyu, because well, I love Kim Sunggyu, and we all like to feel validated, haha. So, imagine my happiness when in the space of 48 hours, I come across two posts that extol the virtues of our dearest leader.

Sunggyu's likeable character

Commenter #5 has a very smart omma: He's the only idol that my mom likes. He looks rude but he's well-mannered. My mom said that he's the type who socializes well ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I agree!

Without differentiating between male and female, which idol do you find y?

The original poster picked a picture of Sunggyu that should require a warning sticker in glowing neon, but can't argue with him/her! And I already posted the picture once, but here it is again. You have been warned!

There's absolutely no journalistic credibility to either of these posts, but eh, there's a reason you call your main idol love a bias, isn't there? Cause when it comes to them, there's no need to provide evidence or have objectivity: you can just be free to spazz!

This post approved by Kim "Love me, love me, say that you love me" Sunggyu.

*Pictures credited to their owners, and also great thanks to the websites that provide translations of Korean netizens' comments that feed my bias love.


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my mom told me if I ever cheat on him, she will disown me. True story lol
I am not at all ashamed (because Gyu taught me to be shameless) to say that I saved babyGyu's picture the moment I laid eyes on it =D and the second-last, smugGyu pic is driving me to tears. It is so divine
gyuhottie is such a husband material! <3
Love ya ,kid!