Would you support your fav Kpop idol(s) if they came out as LGBT+?

'Cause with all the homophobic comments, heteronormative comments, evasive arguments, ism I see regarding even the possibility of Kpop idols being LGBT+--I just wonder.


There are tons of LGBT+ people all over the world, just as much in homophobic countries as in countries that are more LGBT+ accepting, and especially in entertainment industries. If there weren't so many risks involved with publically coming out, I bet a ton more people would be out by now. And to answer my own question, without a doubt I'd still support my favs if they came out. Heck, I think most of my favs are actually bi/pan/poly or gay or ace irl. Some of them remind me of myself or other people I've known/seen. And things like body language, micro-expressions, maybe even words they say etc can be very telling, I think.


So, just like the title says, would you still support your favs if they came out as LGBT+?


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I have a friend that's bi, and I don't see why I would have a problem with people who are LGBT, they are human, too!!!!! I think it makes them who they are and super unique.
claire088 #2
Of course!
Without doubt. As somebody from the LGBTQIAP+ community, I would be somewhat happy to see some representation in the KPOP scene in the form of actual idols, although the chances of that happening are small.
Yeah, of course. Whether they're hetero or not, I'll always support them. I don't think we'll ever know tho, since it's still not accepted in Korea.
of course. I'd support even harder.
my god i desperately want my OTPs to get married , i will always support them