Time Spent Walking Through Memories

I have been so busy with my review for the last 4 months and with the examination day coming so near, everything is just getting its toll on me.

I am getting so sensitive for the past few weeks that all I just wanna do is to curl up on bed and sleep. I am so dead tired already. This is officially the hardest part in my 20 something years of living here on earth, yet. 

I study with music on because it keeps my senses awake. Unfortunately, it is also one of the main triggers of my sensitiveness. Instead of getting focused, I am feeling things that I shouldn't feel at this moment. Not now :(

And last night.. there's this song that kept me zoning out for hours that instead of being able to read 200 questions for each night, I was only able to read 50 until sleep caught on me -_-

Listening to it just.. you know.. hurts :(

I looked it up in youtube to indulge myself with the feeling and found something worse. Now it bothers me to no end.

Please go away? I need to focus :(

Here's what I found:


I won't go down alone. Watcha think? Hurts, no? 


How about you? 

How are you?

Do you feel the same?

I open the doors of longing and your memories come to find me.

Again and again, my heart is torn. 


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WOW , taengsic is so real.