Help me please :(

HELP! *cue The Beatles song, HELP!*


Hi guys. Need some advice over here.

I'm not sure why I'm sharing this but I hope I could get some sort of relief by letting it out here. So here goes...


I'm currently a uni student and right now I'm sharing a room with a classmate of mine. Okay, to be honest she's really okay and all, and I can easily talk to her about anything. And I don't mean to make her look bad. But here's the thing,




like seriously loud. I can't stand it. 


Well don't get me wrong. I have absolutely no problem with people laughing. I mean, come on. We all laugh at times. It's something out of our control. It's completely natural.

But I swear her laugh is not normal. I wonder how many dB her laugh is, cos it's too LOUD! 

and worse, her laughs occasionally comes with claps and more claps. It's like a big commotion over here. T^T


I swear, my ears felt pain once. All because of her extremely mighty loud laugh. I'm suffering over here :(

I sometimes couldn't stand it and told her that maybe she's a teeny winnie bit loud whenever she laughed. But yeah, nothing's changed. And actually she once told me that when she was in school before, a boy once told her that she was laughing too loud, but she could only try to withdraw her laugh for a brief moment. And then she's back to how she was. LOL


As if she's telling me that she really is born with it (those hyper loud laughs) and there's nothing that can be done about it. Aigoo~


Being a roommate, I tried to tolerate with her. Well, obviously I'm not a perfect roommate either. So, why can't I tolerate her shortcomings too? That's what I said to myself. I tried plugging my ears with earphones and listen to anything in my phone or my laptop, hoping that the sound of her laugh will be cut down by the music blasted on my earphones. But, as you guess it, her laugh is even mightier. I can't escape this. T^T


Once, a friend of mine, whose room is only a couple of rooms next to ours told us that she could hear my roommate's laugh from her room. God, that was so embarrassing, if it was me. But this person I'm talking about showed absolutely no guilt or any reaction to what my friend said. As if it was a completely normal thing. I'm getting crazy over here! 


Look, I can't even sit in this room peacefully whenever she's in front of her laptop. God knows what she's watching that makes her laugh so hard like a damn hyena. Aaand, she's in front of her laptop almost all the time. The only time I don't see her in front of her laptop is when she's asleep, or when she's praying, or playing games on her phone, or when she's taking a shower. I can't even focus on my work, let alone trying to have a peaceful time here. She's just so damn noisy.

The reason I'm sharing this story with you isn't because I want to make her look bad. Or deliberately trying to make myself look like an a$$hole over here. I'd just like to ask, if there's any way to make her realize she's laughing too hard and hoping that she could lower her volume. Gahhh. Anything, really. I just couldn't stand it anymore. I wouldn't want to get into an outburst or something like that. And I really at giving advice to people. So how?


How I wish she wouldn't laugh so hard. Like a deranged person. Seriously. 


P/S Thank God, she stopped laughing for a while as I typed this line. She was seriously roaring and cackling like mad a few moments ago. 



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I'm not sure if this can be called an advice, but you could practice laughing the same way, and laugh a few times when she is concentrating on something. It might make her realise a little...