Question for y'all !! Searching for opinions

Hey guys! I have a question for you and would want honest answer from everyone who will read this, please! :)


When you look at the story/book/fanfiction .. Do you like long Description where you know what the main character does and what they are and such? Or do you like more shorter descriptions which tell only as much as name and maybe few details, leaving imagination of yours work before reading?




UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you all so much for your opinions! You helped a lot! 

Though I will probably keep descriptions short because I have never been good at that and wouldn't want to give away plot. All my stories has very short descriptions ugh. 

Thanks a lot again!! :)


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danicabozic #1
I prefer a long description, because I love to enter a role
I like short description of the story(what's going on, in maybe 2 sentences), also main paring revealed and maybe something about nature of each person like f.ex. one is nice while other is rough :)
I prefer a short but meaty one. I usually get a headache reading really bad English (no offense to anyone), so grammar is the first one I look at in the foreword. And then if the story is okay with me. I'd read anything 2min, except for and really dark ones.

I think the best foreword would be like 5-7 sentences that says what can be expected from the story without revealing spoilers. Maybe like a summary of chapter 1 or something. Hope this helps.
manoorah #4
It depends on the story itself , but most of the times i like the short , exciting and a bit detailed ones. i do like it when the description doesn't make the end of the story obvious and i don't like the questions , nor the very detailed description of the characters .
Saina96 #5
Shorter ones with few details are better :)
I feel like long descriptions make it seem unprofessional tbh. Like when they tell the whoooole story in the description. It's such a turnoff. The short ones are better especially if they are witty and fun :)
Kurohane #7
I prefer it short. Short and simple that we can understand what the story is about clearly and see if it fits us. Otherwise when it's long, the impression we get from the story can be lacking and unattractive. However, I don't like the very short ones like a few sentences xD A short preview should be fine.
Doesn't have to be too long, a paragraphe is enough. But as it has mostly likeky already been said, it has to peak the interest of the viewer.
SO basically, give enough information to know what it is about, but only enough to tease and make the reader want more, that kind of thing.
Also, a desceription that is long enough allows the reader to know whether it will be a sory that suits his or her tastes, so (at least that's what I think) a description only giving name and details is not enough. In my case for example, it could even be a turnoff, the lack of information can make me hesitate on whether I actually want to read the story, not knowing anything about the content and with nothing to make me want to read it apart from the pairing.
So that's what I think, but whether or not you make a long description or a short one is up to you.
I like the shorter ones but not too short.
It doesn't really matter whether short or long as long as it piques my interest. If it's too short that I don't even know what the book is about, I will put the book back so I need to at least know the book or story has something I am interested in, be it my favorite OTP, my favorite genre or a theme I know I like. Unlike some others a long description doesn't bother me since I am not one who will stop reading if I get spoiled so there is that.
Shorter descriptions that is poetic in some ways, that leave me guessing a little and doesn't tell the story. I hate character charts with a passion so it's almost always a turn-off if there's a character chart. Unless you have like 20 characters in your story, don't do them. ; _ ;
For me it really depends on the story. I guess this is basic knowledge but if you're writing a short oneshot/drabble you obviously don't need a long describtion.
If you're planning on writing a longer story I like to plan my characters beforehand, give a basic description the first time they appear and reveal their personality/traits gradually. It's boring to read a huge chunk of text just about a person (except that's exaclty your concept and what you want to focus on but that would be a very specific type of story in my opinion) and it's difficult to create desriptive sentences without repeating yourself and using the same words too often.
What I like to do is to make a description very creative and use a lot of words/expressions that have nothing to do with the current situation or character. Example:
'His hair was messy like he hadn't been able to decide what hairstyle to go for today so he had settled for doing one on the left and one on the right side which resulted in him looking like a bird had chosen his head as a new home.'
Also try to connect your sentences so you don't have to worry about always having the same start.
Now, I like when people use character charts with pictures and everything in their desciption but this obviously doesn't work for every story and usually it's impossible for books. They are quite a lot of work (for it too look good and sound nice) so they should only be used if it's a longer story or if you're really into doing stuff like that (like me...most of the time).
For the actual story/text I like having a describtion that's creative but doesn't take you own imagination away. The latter is pretty much impossible since 'chocolate brown eyes' is still different for everyone or 'messy hair' so I wouldn't worry about taking too much from the reader.
Do what suits your taste if you want to write something and read it again a day later or so. Usually you'll notice if something sounds odd by then and you can still change it :)