

somehow the issue infuriates me

not siding with the victim nor yoochun (even tho he's my fave along with Yunho in DBSK huhuhu) because siding with someone from issues that still has no results is kind of er... what's the word? pointless. there's nothing wrong with having hope and praying for the fact that yoochun is innocent (raises hand) but sometimes, fangirls and people that is seen tweeting on twitter about the issue are kind of... stupid.

for instance, I saw a tweet about the issue stating that "if she got at -insert date- why not report it to the police the next day? why did she have to file the case now? suspicious."

like seriously? if you're the victim and you know you're against a very influencial and popular person, what are the chances about the police taking your side or the world taking your side if you know that they're not gonna believe you? especially IF there are no hard evidences and the only evidence is your memory of what happened? i blame glory days for this for thinking about this possibility. after all, the media can manipulate anything and since their statuses are opposites, yoochun has the upper hand when it comes to this. another reason why is because of FEAR

It's easy to tell victims advices like "SPEAK UP" but when they did and nobody took their sides and just bashes them, it makes them regret for even speaking up in the first place, if you get what i mean?

(But since there are evidences and we still have no idea what's the results, then let's just stay quiet and wait for it.)

tweeting about praying and hoping for yoochun is okay but tweeting about jokes and bashing the victim is wrong. why can't people think before they tweet? people are getting biased just because of their idol but like a person just said, "ANY PERSON - MAN or WOMAN - IS CAPABLE OF EVEN IF THEY ARE FAMOUS OR NOT."

and again, i am not taking sides. i'm just a coconut sitting on a bed, praying and hoping that these are all just rumors and that yoochun is innocent while favoriting tweets. but then these ING TWEETS APPEARED AND I CAN'T HELP BUT REACT FOR GOD'S SAKE STOP ALL OF THESE DETECTIVE BULLS BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL NOT HELPING. LIKE WHAT THE ARE YOU ----



I just... can't... deal with people anymore. i want to climb back up at a tree and be with my sisters and brothers like what the being human is so tiring. *rolls away* hate me for all i care. i don't ing care about humans. after all, i am a coconut.


-master coconut







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thecrud #1
Humans.... haish. I've nothing to say to them anymore. Dont u all get tired already with human.... cuz they r feaking annoying.... srsly.
I totally agree..
BubbbleTeaaa #3
i love ya man
preach it