So, I met a boy...

Ok, so this happened to me about a week ago, but I've waited a while to blog about it. I was on my way to the airport from my new city Suzhou to Shanghai by coach about to go to Malaysia for my visa, its usually me being the only white person so i get stared at which im getting used to; but then this boy sat next to me very handsome and big bright smile so I made space for him as my bag was laying on the arm rest. I'm used to having somewhat broken conversations in Mandarin as I'm still learning (its a pretty tricky language) until he said hello in English.

I tried not to look too shocked and we talked, just talking about what you'd typically expect in the situation you know, where are you flying to and stuff but he wasnt flying just picking up his parents who were visiting China -oh, where are they from?


Self control woman, self control! used a few sentences I'd been learning in Korean albiet with a lot of hesitation as I'd never actually used them in conversation 'oh wow where did you learn Korean'


so he asked for my wechat (Chinese version of whats app) and just as I went to unlock my phone he notices my lock screen 'oh rap monster! you like bangtan too?'

boy, are you serious?!

he said we should go for a drink in Suzhou when I get back - im back now but I'm nervous to message him

he said his name is John but his Korean name is Yong Dae






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Omg, i'm jelly, you should definitly text him ;))))
someasiangurl #2
Omg you should message him just do it I mean if you feel like you want to go somewhere with him then I think you should message him I mean he did offer. So just go for it I mean that's what I think you should do but do it if you only really want to. Haha I give such bad advice