I Am A Good Friend... I Guess?


Hey guys. 


So my friend Unicorngirl7 just got her wisdom teeth removed recently and she can't laugh or move too much so , as the supportive friend that I am, I made her laugh her off to the floor. 


What started as a normal joke turned out to be completely ridiculous. I just wanted to share this with you. XD






Me : 

Should I make you sad to save your mouth? xD I have a sad story for you, don't know if it'll work though ..

Once upon a time, I fell in love with a boy. He was perfect. He was cute, funny and adorable. He was the perfect boyfriend , really. 

Until I realised he wasn't my boyfriend but an idol living on the other side of the world. 

And that he had no idea who I was. 
The end.



OMG SOOOOO SAAAAAD!!!! *note sarcasm



I know, right? I don't know why Taylor Swift didn't want of the songs I wrote about this. 

' I swear I am no psychopath so notice me V Oppa' 

There was another one also. 
'Take me to your home. Oops , I already know where it is.


Her : 

*send cuddling dogs gif* 

^ You to V 



Exactly. But I really think it is just a phase though. Right now he think I am creepy, looking at his window while he takes a shower and always texting him but one day he'll realise how much he loves me. 
Can you believe this? Last time he texted me back saying ' I don't know who you are, leave me alone.'
Ohhh isn't he the cutest? 
My boyfriend is so silly , lol . xD



have you ever thought of writing a novel of you and this boyfriend of yours? You would become famous : OOO



 No , I don't want to outshine him, you see. Enough that I passed in the journal the other day. Haven't you seen it? 
' The police is currently looking for a crazy fangirl. Any information is welcomed. " 
Crazy fangirl is the nickname he gave me. 
Ohhh I love him 
soooo much. 



Crazy fangirl hahahaahahhaa

You are killing me!



Sometimes, when he feels fancy, he also calls me ' psycopath' ' Nightmare ' or , most recently, ' Leave me alone or I'll call the police. ' 

I am so lucky he gave me so many nicknames already. ^^



he must love you very much to give you so many nicknames. Like really, he's so devoted : O When are you guys getting married? You better invite me woman!!!!



Well , last time we went on a date, he told me he always dreamed about going to a place called ' Where I don't have to deal with your ' Maybe that would be his perfect wedding? So far , we still have to stay secret, the fangirls would get crazy if they knew and I surely don't want them to steal my nickname, do I? 

However, he told me something about an officer. I guess he wants to wear an officer suit for the honeymoon. I don't want to get my hopes too high , though :$ Jungkook didn'twore his Officer suit in the latest comeback. Maybe he landed it to my man , what do you think? 



I think he's preparing everything for when he proposes!!! Like he's gonna play hard to get at first but you know, it's all part of the charm and to keep you interested. I mean, if he quickly accepted everything, where's the fun in that?



 Exactly!! That's what I've been telling my psychologist. He told me I overthought everything but I am no fool. I know this ' I don't know you , what are you doing with my underwear? ' phase is just to fool around with me. I know he just wants me as much as I do. 

I am still looking for his room full of picture of me but I am sure , once I'll found it, I will be able to prove everyone it was just a couple thing.



 Well, in Pretty Little Liars, the one stalking them didn't have the room full of pictures in his house, she had them in a trailer or a hotel room. You should ask him if he has any storage units under his name. As soon as you find it, I guarantee you'll find the room full of pictures of you. He's just shy and doesn't want to accept it yet. He'll come around, you'll see



That must be it. He looks though and he tries to look like the one in charge of our relationship by being independent but , in the end, I know, he just can't get enough of me. 
What would he do without me anyway? Last time he showered , he forgot his towel! Who do you think had to go and get him a new one? 

Okok, it was Jungkook, but I never saw him complaining that the towel magically disappeared. It is a lot more beautiful pinned on my wall anyway, duh.










I know , I am a really good friend. 

She says I should write more comedy. Seeing how easy it came to create all this, I think I may  xD what you guys think? 


Just wanted to share this with you. You can comment what you thought. I'll be right back after I went for his toothbrush. V OPPA YOU ARE MINE . <3 

Okok, I am older than him by 4 days anyway. pffff. 






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showok #1
Yes, you are a great Friend.
miyoonji #2
Hahaha..... That's funny and creepy at the same time. LOL
Yes yes you are a great friend and I hope we can be good friends xoxo
God...oh my... you r hillaruous..
go make comedy :'D
LeeJimin47 #5
Laughing again at this SO HARD!!!! Hahahahahhaa
Same~~ I enjoyed reading this. :)
Iwannabanggukkie #8
Lmfaoooo that's exactly how I feel about my bias , I thought I was the only one who thought like this .... Thank goodness I'm not alone :)