Any Japanese here?

can anyone translate this for me? I have tried using google translate but the translation is just so confusing XD

1) キラキラしていて可愛いです!輝きはもっと大きいほうが好きです。

2) 文字と枠がキラキラしているので、それに合わせて背景ももっとキラキラさせていいと思います。

3) 背景の淡い感じはいいですが、少し弱い印象です。色を濃い目にするのはどうでしょうか?

4) フレームの高級感と背景のふわっした感じが喧嘩しているので、どちらかを近づけてあげるといいですね

To anyone who can help me, Thank you so much in advance ^^ 


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1. I like how it's pretty. I want it to shine more.
2. The words and frame are shining so I think the background should shine more
3. I like how the background is faint but the impact is weak. How about you make the colors stronger. I want to see a version with words as well
4. The frame is really nice and the background is really nice too so it fights between each other
I can make out some of it, but the Kanji is hard to read.