Two-Timer (One Shot) | Minor Characters which were seldom mentioned


The pictures that you've seen in one collage, were the minor characters of "Two-Timer". Here are the 5 minor characters which you read them very seldom on my story (Well, if you observed them by reading them...) The models mentioned below were not necessarily took the role but the physical representation of each character. 


1. Teddy (Kittipat Samarntragulchai | กิตติพัฒน์ สมานตระกูลชัย "Biew") - one of Fernando's teammates in basketball during the interschool basketball competition; and classmate.


2. Ms. Arabella (Woranuch Wongsawan |  วรนุช วงษ์สวรรค์ "Noon") - Mrs. Sarmiento's co-teacher in school

3. Mrs. Sarmiento (Patharawarin Timkul | ภัทรวรินทร์ ทิมกุล "May") - teacher of Fernando, Felipe and Ping


4. Mrs. Ratunil (Dexter Doria) - the land lady


5. The student assistant (Mariel Pamintuan) - who assists Ping since recess.



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