Wrong Choice?

"It's okay to fall in your life. It's part of the growing up process."

this , cause I don't think I can handle anymore sweet- quote like this. They say it's okay to be wrong when in fact, it's not. At least, for me. 

"Don't be tangled up on how someone else view you."

Sorry bruh, this didn't apply to me. I'm an absurd thinker. I thought about almost everything. And it came from my deepest part of brain. The darkess side of it all. Most messed up, with all spine crawling imagination that would've snapped anyone's jaw into half. 

People view me as a happy persona. Sorry am not. It feels weird to act like a hypocrite. But... that's how life is, right? Full of twist and turns. Tangled in one ing big mess. And the livings are drowning in it without them realizing. How effin pathetic is that?

Tonight, I realized I had yet commited another BIG mistake. This may or may not affect me, in a way, one day. I chose the wrong stream for me. 

I knew that science and math are not my forte, but still reluclant with OTHER people SUGGESTION to join the stream. Am so useless! Why I didn't fight for what I love in the first place.

I'm always like this! Always okay and agree with what others want, and leave my own feelings behind. How will I survive with these kind cheap way of thinking?

. And now, midterm is nearing. I can't study, I can't do any revisions! All I do is bawling it out like some cry baby and sleep. Like wtf? How am I gonna survive?! 

This entry is useless I must say. I chose it myself and now I'm here whining like some ignorant brat. . Idk what to do. Failing is the best option atm. I guess?


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